5 Myths About Starting An Online Business

5 Myths About Starting An Online Business

You might be wondering why so many people did not start an online business or they did not bring their business to online. This is due to few myths that have been circulating around the market. So here today we are going to discuss the 5 myths about starting an online business.

  • You Will Need To Start At The Right Time
    • There is no right or wrong when to start the business. We basically think the best time to start your online business is now. How long you going to wait? Wait till everyone is up online then only you start. There is no better time to start your online business now. With the major market for example such as Alibaba, we suggest now will be the best time you start. In fact that, online business is the future. The online business market penetration is so low that only 2% of the community is up online.
  • You Will Need A Lot Of Money To Start
    • This is a total crap. Is having a brick and mortar shop more expensive then building an online business? Setting up brick and mortar shop can easily cost you up to 6 figures whereas building an online business requires a minimum investment of $100 for domain and hosting. To be honest, it saves you way more time than setting up a brick and mortar shop. You can easily set up your website in under 5 minutes. Yes, 5 minutes time.
  • You Have To Manage Your Online Business 24/7
    • That’s not true. In fact, your online business is up online for 24/7. All you have to do is just check your sales and orders in the morning. Compare to brick and mortar, you only can open your store in the morning and have it close at night unless you hire someone for the night shift. Having online business can help maximize your business by bringing in more sales not only in the morning but also at the night.
  • You Have To Learn How To Build A Website
    • It might be wise to learn something about building a website. But you will not need to worry about learning how to code to build a website. You can hand over that job to us to help you build an outstanding website. Basically, Estudio Webdesign is what’s all about, helping you to build website. You get the rocket, we do the science.
  • It’s Hard To Run An Online Business
    • To be frank, running any business is not going to be easy. Let’s take an example, is running a brick and mortar shop easy. We don’t think so. In fact, you will have to deal with lots and lots of stuff for example, rental, tax, maintenance and many more. Let alone the capital. It will be a huge amount. Basically, an online business has save you from those hefty work. All you need is a website, products and marketing done. You will be earning money in no time.

There you go, this is the 5 myths about starting an online business. Hopefully, you will be able to absorb this knowledge and start an online business immediately. You never know what awaits behind this fruitful online business journey. Money? Who knows. If you have any inquiries about starting an online business, head to contact us and drop us a message.